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How to prevent and remove paver stains

Comment prevenir et nettoyer les taches sur votre pave

We love concrete products because of their combination of beauty and durability. Still, sometimes, you find marks on your pavers and wonder where they came from. We’re here to clarify! Read below to discover where the mysterious paver stains are coming from and our preventative measures to avoid them.

Natural paver stains

By natural stains we mean, residues left by the natural environment from things such as moss and tree leaves.


Moss develops with long periods of humidity and is made worse when the surface has no direct sun exposure. To avoid it, cut the shrubs and branches that create unnecessary shade. If moss has already developed, start by removing it with a pressure washer. You can also try scrubbing the surface with a broom or a scrub brush.

Pro tip: Be careful not to scrub too hard to leave scratch marks on the pavers.

Petals and fallen leaves

In autumn, fallen leaves may land on your pavers and can leave behind brown-ish stains. Since concrete is porous it easily absorbs the pigments in flowers and leaves. It is important to regularly broom the surface to avoid these paver stains, especially before the winter season arrives.

The fallen leaves on these light-colored pavers will surely cause stains if they are not removed quickly.

Rust stains

Rust stains do not have anything to do with the quality of the concrete products. In fact, rust stains are caused by steel and/or fertilizers.

Drops of rusted water

You’ll notice, once you move your outdoor furniture drops of rusted water will damage the surface of your pavers quickly. If this happens, hose down the drops of rust with water immediately to avoid it from staining permanently.

Also, be sure to clean your gutters, add an extension, and properly position it to avoid draining of dirty water on your pavers.

Streaks of metal

The dragging of metal objects on the surface of your pavers can leave rust colored streaks. When winter comes, avoid metal shovels; Choose small plastic shovels instead.

Pro tip: verify that your snow removal company uses the appropriate equipment with Teflon protection. For more information on preparing your pavers for winter check out this post.

Fertilizer spots

Fertilizers contain iron, which is what causes the rust effect on concrete products. So, if you notice round rust-colored spots after the application of fertilizer on your grass, you now know where it comes from! It’s important to remove the fertilizer particles with a broom immediately after it is applied to avoid them from expanding and creating paver stains.

An example of fertilizer stains on pavers

To clean all the rust stains mentioned above, you can apply a rust remover.

Oil and Grease stains

Oil and grease paver stains can be tough.

Motor oil

If you notice that your car is leaking, it is recommended to quickly clean the pavers with a de-greaser to avoid the stains soaking in. The faster you catch the leak, the more likely it is to be removed.


During BBQ season, it’s possible for grease stains to end up around your outdoor kitchen area. To clean these paver stains, you can apply some dish soap. For the tougher stains, use a degreaser that dissolves, captures and removes the stains.

Rubber stains

It's not rare for tire tracks to end up on driveway pavers. They’re especially visible on light-colored pavers. To easily remove the rubber marks, brush the surface and then clean with the help of a pressure-washer. If that doesn’t work, apply rubber and paint stain remover.

De-icing salts

It is important to use de-icing salts BEFORE ice has formed on the surface. Do not use de-icing salts AFTER ice has already formed as it can cause the erosion of the surface of your pavers. We strongly recommend using gravel or sand for icy areas.

To try to avoid all the paver stains mentioned above, you can apply a product sealer specially created to protect your pavers. Its made to halt the penetration of contaminants and facilitate the maintenance of pavers. In hopes that these tips will help you preserve the natural beauty of your pavers!

*We recommend testing cleaning products on a small section of your pavers before applying it to the entire surface. Follow the instructions of the manufacturer. You can find equivalent paver stain removers at your local hardware store.

**Equivalent product cleaners and sealers can be found at your local hardware store.

4. Nettoyer les cernes dus au sel de déglaçage

Lorsque la glace se forme sur votre pavé, il ne faut en aucun cas faire l’usage de sels de déglaçage. Ceux-ci auront comme effet d’effriter et d’écailler la surface de votre pavé.

Pour éviter toutes les taches sur votre pavé, y compris celles mentionnées ci-haut, vous pouvez appliquer un produit protecteur spécialement conçu pour la protection des pavés de béton. Son film freine la pénétration des contaminants, facilitant l’entretien du matériau.

5. Retirer les taches de goudron et de caoutchouc

Il n’est pas rare de voir des traces de pneus dans les stationnements et les entrées de garage. Les traces sont plus prononcées sur les pavés de couleurs pâles. Pour enlever facilement les traces de caoutchouc, commencez par un bon coup de balai. Brossez et ensuite nettoyez la surface de votre pavé à l’aide d’un jet d'eau d'un appareil à haute pression.

Sinon, pour faciliter le processus de nettoyage, des produits décapants peuvent être utilisés. Ils permettront une dissolution efficace des taches de peinture, goudron ou caoutchouc.

L'entretien du pavé uni en résumé

En espérant que ces petits conseils d'entretien vous aideront àpréserver la nature de votre pavé, qu'il soit sali par des feuilles mortes, de l'huile, des agents corrosifs créant de la rouille ou autre.

Nous recommandons d’ailleurs de toujours tester tous les produits de nettoyage sur une petite surface de votre pavé avant de l’appliquer sur la totalité de votre aménagement. Lisez bien les directives et les instructions du fabricant.

Vous pouvez trouver des nettoyants et divers scellants dans les quincailleries près de vous.

Vous avez besoin d'idées pour refaire votre stationnement? Nous avons ce qu'il vous faut pour réaliser une entrée de pavé incomparable et impressionnante.